Login and registration issues

When trying to login

“We do not have any accounts registered to this email address”

This means the email address you are trying to login with is not in our system. If you are:

  • A customer of a hall, please contact your hall directly.
  • An administrator of a hall that is currently using Hallmaster, you will need to have an account setup for you by a colleague
  • Looking to register for a trial of Hallmaster, please use the register form to setup your hall.

“Username or Password is Incorrect”

This means that the password you have entered does not match the username you are trying to use. Please make sure you are using the correct username to login with. If you are still unable to login, please use the “I forgot my password” link to reset your password.

“This account is locked out”

This means your account has been locked out after too many incorrect login attempts. If you are a Customer of a hall, please contact the hall directly. If you are an administrator, please contact Hallmaster Support.

When trying to register:

“This email address is already on our system.”

This means the email address you are using is already registered to an account with Hallmaster. Please use the Login form to access your account. You can use the “I forgot My Password” link to reset your password.

“The “____” field is required.

This means that the field shown has not been filled in correctly. Please double check the information you have entered to make sure it is correct.

When trying to Reset your Password:

“There is no account registered with the email address entered.”

This means the email address you are trying to reset the password for, is not in our system. This could mean that you have misspelled the email address so please check this first.

Otherwise – If you are:

  • A customer of a hall, please contact your hall directly.
  • An administrator of a hall that is currently using Hallmaster, you will need to have an account setup for you by a colleague
  • Looking to register for a trial of Hallmaster, please use the register form to setup your hall.

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Want to learn more about how Hallmaster can help your venue? Contact our team now! Our experts are available to answer any questions you might have, and talk you through the set-up process. Try us out with our 90-day free trial, with full support included, and no commitments necessary!